Founder and CEO

Stefanie Heiter, MSOD

Stefanie pioneered the field of dispersed teaming and leadership since 1997 and is among the nation’s leading thinkers and consultants on the human side of virtual work.

She has authored numerous published articles, training and workshops used extensively by multiple consulting and training companies world-wide.

Stefanie unconsciously looks for patterns everywhere: “On vacation, everywhere, really, I am the one talking to the tour guide, the taxi driver, the waitress -- to learn more. I am passionate about getting to know people, learning about how they think, what motivates them, where could they improve, what they are doing to live their best lives.”

Stefanie earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Clark University and went on to earn her master’s degree in organizational management from Antioch University. Her master’s thesis, Building Trust in Global Teams, became the foundational springboard for Bridging Distance.

Born in Germany and raised in both Germany and United States, Stefanie is natural global citizen with deep experience in bringing cultures together – across conference room and dining room tables.

When not working, Stefanie enjoys being out in nature with dog, kids, friends and extended family.
